-- Madison Bumgarner: absolutely phenomenal. 11 K, 1 BB, 1 R in seven innings. A career-high in strikeouts, and easily one of the best outings of his young career.
-- And how about Jeremy Affeldt? Six batters faced, five strikeouts. That's more than Roy Halladay racked up in his complete game against the A's today. He and Bumgarner combined for 16 strikeouts.
-- The Giants have now allowed six runs over their last five games. This pitching staff is really good, in case you haven't noticed.
-- Pablo Sandoval had his first extra-base hit since....April 26? Man, that'd be nice if he started to get that power swing back. Baby steps. (Don't get too optimistic though...it generally takes months post-hamate-fracture to fully regain power.)
-- If you're interested, there are still four openings in the Splashing Pumpkins Ottoneu Pick Six group. Join. It's fun, easy, addictive. The password to join is torres